Click here for MDT Services at Oakcrest
Hello and welcome to the School Counseling Corner at Oakcrest Elementary School where academic, emotional and social growth are fostered through a positive and safe school environment. We aim to align with the school’s mission and vision to guide each student's’ foundational growth through academics and character education using age appropriate approaches.
Through collaborating closely with parents, community, administration, teachers, and all support personnel at Oakcrest, we will ensure positive pathways designed for your child’s personal development. We strive to inspire self-reflection and independent critical thinking for your child(ren) to become the best Eagles among the Oakcrest scholars exhibiting:
- Being Safe
- Being Respectful
- Being Reponsible
Feel free to contact us at (352) 671-7350.
As parents it is your responsibility to ensure that your child/children have regular, timely attendance. If a child is not in his/her classroom by the 7:45 tardy bell, s/he must check in at the Front Office before reporting to class. Students who are chronically absent, tardy, or picked up early, will receive notices from the Guidance Office in accordance with Marion County School System policies and FL statutes. Should your child be absent, please send in a written note as to the reason for the absence. If your child was seen by a doctor, please send the doctor's note.
All new student registration is handled through our Front Office.
Official Records
Your child's cumulative records are housed in the Guidance Office. If you need to review anything in the folder please call ahead and make an appointment for someone to go over the contents with you. If you need a copy of any document in your child's folder we can provide it for you. If you request more than two copies, a charge will be assessed at $.10 cents per copy. Again, please call ahead and we will try and have it ready for you or will send it home via your child. If you are transferring out of Oakcrest we will make sure all necessary documents are forwarded to your child's new school.